Indonesian Journal of Public Administration Review

Indonesian Journal of Public Administration Review

  08 Dec 2023 |   152 |   Dyah

The Indonesian Journal of Public Administration Review ISSN 3030-8682 is a scholarly journal that focuses on the study and analysis within the field of Public Administration in Indonesia. This journal aims to serve as a platform for academics, practitioners, and researchers to share concepts, ideas, and the latest findings related to public administration.

Public Policy: Discusses the development and analysis of public policies in Indonesia, including the implementation and impact of these policies on society.
Bureaucratic Management: Investigates aspects of bureaucratic management, bureaucratic reform, and the role of bureaucracy in the implementation of government programs.
E-Government and Technological Innovation: Examines the application of information technology and e-government in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public services.
Community Participation: Examines community participation in decision-making processes and the implementation of public policies.
Decentralization and Regional Autonomy: Examines the development and impact of decentralization and regional autonomy in Indonesia.

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