Indonesian Journal of Social Development

Indonesian Journal of Social Development

  31 Oct 2023 |   136 |   Dyah

Indonesian Journal of Social Development (e-ISSN: 3025-969X) is a scientific journal published by Indonesian Journal Publisher. JSD publishes four issues annually in the months of July, October, January and April. The focus and scope of Indonesian Journal of Social Development include articles concerned with:

1. Community Development

2. Poverty Alleviation

3. Education and Human Capital

4. Health and Healthcare

5. Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

6. Environmental Sustainability

7. Public Policy and Governance

8. Social Welfare and Safety Nets

9. Rural and Urban Development

10. International Development and Collaboration

We are committed to providing a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to share their insights and findings, so as to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the mentioned fields. With a determination to promote scholarly discourse, we encourage the submission of high-quality research articles and papers that align with the scope and goals of the Indonesian Journal of Social Development.