Jurnal Psikologi

Jurnal Psikologi

  01 Dec 2023 |   138 |   Dyah

Jurnal Psikologi focuses on main area of discussions. The focus and scope of Jurnal Psikologi include:

  1. Clinical Psychology: Examining the diagnosis, treatment, and intervention for mental health issues as well as the psychological aspects of physical illnesses.

  2. Cognitive Psychology: Studying cognitive processes such as thinking, perception, memory, and language.

  3. Social Psychology: Investigating how individuals interact with others, form opinions, and behave in social contexts.

  4. Educational Psychology: Evaluating learning processes, influencing factors, and the development of teaching strategies.

  5. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Studying human behavior in the workplace, human resource management, and organizational effectiveness.

  6. Developmental Psychology: Researching human development from childhood to adulthood and factors influencing this development.

  7. Abnormal Psychology: Studying deviations from behavior considered normal, including the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

  8. Health Psychology: Investigating the relationship between psychological factors and physical health, as well as strategies to enhance overall well-being.

  9. Sports Psychology: Studying the psychological influences on athletes' performance, stress management, and motivation in a sports context.

  10. Experimental Psychology: Involving experimental research to understand specific aspects of behavior and mental processes.

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